Drug Addiction Intervention in Killeen, TX

Conducting a drug addiction intervention in Killeen could provide the motivation for a loved one to seek help from a drug and alcohol rehab facility.

The objective of drug intervention programs is to encourage the affected to person to understand how their behavior affects those around then and accept the need for drug and alcohol rehab treatment.

An intervention is a non-confrontational meeting where friends and family members discuss a loved one's drug or alcohol abuse and encourages the person to enter into a comprehensive drug and alcohol rehab program. Even a smaller scale issue can expand into a larger one, even with prescription drug abuse in Killeen.

How to Stage an Intervention

Staging a drug addiction intervention in Killeen involves more than just confronting a person struggling with substance abuse or addiction. In fact, in order to improve the outcome of the process, it's important to plan each step carefully before the actual meeting takes place. Some things to include in your planning include:

Choosing an intervention team: Determine exactly who will be present at the meeting. You might decide on certain family members, close friends, members or clergy, or other concerned people who want to help. You may want to include a professional interventionist or a drug and alcohol counselor in your team too.

Collect information: There's no point trying to stage an intervention without having all the facts ready. Find out as much as you can about the nature of addiction and the intervention process. Discuss treatment options with drug and alcohol rehab facilities that can provide the right combination of treatments and have the contact details ready.

Discuss conversation topics: Each member in the intervention team should be absolutely clear about what they'll say during the meeting. It's important to stick to facts about how your loved one's behavior affects each person individually and avoid emotional outbursts or criticism. Each member should take notes and promise to stick firmly to the script when the time comes.

Decide on consequences: Your loved one needs to realize that the intervention and the need to accept treatment programs in Killeen. It's important that every member on the intervention team decide on specific consequences that will occur if the person doesn't accept treatment.

Hold the meeting: Only after the planning is completed and everyone is prepared should you go ahead and hold the intervention. Present the person with rehab treatment options and explain the consequences that will occur if treatment is refused.

Stay on track: Your loved one may react to the intervention in unpredictable ways. Some people feel ashamed or embarrassed at being confronted and may withdraw deeper into substance abuse. Others may become defensive or even aggressive. Yet no matter what happens, it's important the people in your intervention team stay on a positive track and stick to the plans you made. Having a professional counselor from a rehab center that offers drug intervention programs present at the meeting can help keep the discussion on track and reduce the risk of negative outcomes.

Follow up: Holding a drug addiction intervention in Killeen and ensuring the person enters rehab treatments is not the end of your involvement. Support and understanding from family members and friends are crucial during the recovery process. Take the time to learn how your role as a friend or family member affects the person's recovery and what you can do to continue providing ongoing support even after treatment ends.

What Happens If the Intervention Doesn't Work?

It's always possible that the person affected by substance abuse may refuse to accept rehab treatment. In the event that the intervention doesn't work, it's important that each person who was present at the meeting sticks to the planned consequences they discussed.

For example, family members may refuse to continue enabling the addict's behaviors by cutting off financial support.

It's possible to increase the chances of success during a drug addiction intervention in Killeen by seeking help from a professional interventionist or a drug and alcohol counselor. Having the support and assistance of a professional makes it easier to improve the outcome of the intervention and increase the chances of your loved one seeking the treatment needed to begin the recovery process. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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