Treatment Programs in Killeen, TX

Drug and alcohol treatment programs in Killeen are designed to help a person struggling in the grip of substance abuse to make a successful recovery. It's common for many people to assume that quitting drug or alcohol use should only mean exerting a bit of willpower and just learning to ‘say no' to using.

In reality, mind-altering substances can cause significant changes with the brain's chemistry that cause the user to engage in compulsive use, even when they're experiencing negative consequences.

Treatment programs for addiction begin with the detox process. Many recovering addicts may experience unpleasant, dangerous, or even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms during detox, so it's strongly advised that detox is conducted under medical supervision at professional rehab treatment programs.

It's also common for many people to assume that making it through detox should somehow mean the person is ‘cured' of their addiction. Yet detox on its own simply helps to break the person's physical dependency on the substance.

On its own, drug detox in Killeen does nothing to address the underlying psychological triggers behind self-destructive behaviors associated with addictive substance abuse. In order to improve the chances of making a full recovery from addiction, treatment programs in Killeen use a combination of therapies to help teach the recovering person healthy ways to cope with life without the need for drugs or alcohol and then work on ways to prevent relapsing back into dysfunctional behaviors.

What is Addiction Treatment Therapy?

Addiction treatment programs in Killeen focus on identifying the underlying causes behind dysfunctional drug or alcohol abuse behaviors. Rehab treatment programs then work to tailor the right combination of therapies to help the recovering person discover their own paths to recovery.

Not everyone responds the same way to treatments, so recovering people are encouraged to engage in a range of different therapies to determine the ones that provide the best results for their individual situations.

The key to successful treatment programs for addiction is for the recovering person to learn strong relapse prevention strategies, at the same time as discovering healthy ways to cope with stress, manage cravings, and live a productive life free from drugs or alcohol.

Types of Treatment Programs

Drug rehab treatment programs integrate specialized behavioral therapy with individual counseling sessions to help identify and recognize each person's unique addiction triggers. Counseling also begins work to develop a tailored relapse prevention strategy to suit each person's own high-risk situations to ensure they have the tools necessary to avoid returning to a pattern of substance abuse. Dual diagnosis in Killeen can also prevent a mental illness from fueling an addiction.

There are also a number of different alternative treatment programs in Killeen that can be used in combination with therapy and counseling to improve the chances of a positive outcome. These can include:

Creative therapies: It's common for many people entering into rehab treatment programs to have problems with poor self-image and low self-esteem. They may also struggle to express their frustrations and emotions in productive ways. Creative therapies provide a healthy outlet for expressing emotions that also help to improve self-confidence and provide a sense of achievement. Common creative therapies can include, art, drawing, painting, sculpting, writing or dancing.

Group support meetings: The objective of group support meetings is to help reduce feelings of isolation during the recovery process. Engaging in group meetings helps develop new networks among peers that can improve motivation to remain clean and sober. Common group meetings can include Addictions Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous, or SMART Recovery.

Restorative yoga: Moderate exercise provides a range of physical and mental health benefits to a recovering addict. Yoga is ideal for improving muscle tone and flexibility, both of which can help improve self-image. However, the controlled breathing techniques used in yoga also help to promote relaxation and reduce symptoms of stress. Studies also show that yoga can be beneficial for relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as helping to manage cravings in a healthy way.

Rehab treatment programs may also incorporate a range of other therapies as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. These can include nutritional therapy, equine or animal therapy, mindfulness meditation sessions, acupuncture, and family therapy.

As people respond in different ways to each type of therapy, it's strongly encouraged to engage in many methods to gauge how effective they are for a person's individual needs. Call us now for help (877) 804-1531.

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